The Muddy Muddy

~Demun Jones

Last night, it poured rain, most of the night. I got woken up, to a very loud thunder clap, early this morning. The whole house shook! Then, today, we’ve gone back and forth, between rain and sunshine. Which means, it’s humid.

After the littles left, I ran a few errands. I got some laundry folded and put away. I’m making chicken quesadillas, tonight, for supper.

Adam’s been dealing with a lot of shit, at work. I know it’s selfish of me, but I’m feeling neglected. I want his attention. I’ve even considered finding ways to piss him off, just to see if he’d notice. Nothing crazy. Just stuff like being short with him, rolling my eyes, or any similar version of blatant aggravation towards him. I miss him. I was sick, and then I’d injured my head. Now that I’m feeling good, he’s unavailable…and it sucks.

That’s all I’ve got, for today.

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